Mar 25, 2019
Charles Hall invented the waterbed as a solution to a better nights sleep. However the story quickly turned into one of sex beds, cheap knockoffs, patent infringement, and the rise and fall of a $2 billion industry!
Plus, Charles is back with a new and improved waterbed called Afloat:
Mar 21, 2019
It’s something we rarely think about but why do we dress girls in pink and boys in blue? Is it ok for boys to play with unicorns or for girls to like dinosaurs?
To uncover the answers, dress historian Jo Paoletti looked at advertising, catalogs, dolls, baby books, mommy blogs and discussion forums, and other popular...
Mar 18, 2019
In this episode I’m joined by my buddy Scott and we discuss the book, When Hitler Took Cocaine and Lenin Lost His Brain: History's Unknown Chapters by Giles Milton.
This book is a fun exploration of some weird and unbelievable historical events.
We talk about the cook aboard the Titanic, who pickled himself with...
Mar 14, 2019
Christina Binkley is an award-winning journalist who writes and chats about the business of culture. At The Wall Street Journal for 23 years, she covered fashion, gambling, and more. That eventually led her to write the New York Times bestseller Winner Takes All: How Casino Mogul Steve Wynn Wonand Lostthe High...
Mar 11, 2019
In this episode I’m joined by Alison who is the creator of She documents and preserves all of the great stuff that is no longer at Disney World. And in this episode we particularly dive into EPCOT Center at Walt Disney World!
Visit Alison at
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